High-quality unisex touring bike with comfortable low entry.
Body size approx. 148cm - 190cm.
The scent of Italy's green heart
Discover a new side of Italy with us: peaceful and sometimes bordering on the mysterious. On this tour you'll pass through towns like Assisi, Perugia, Spoleto and Narni, which offer incredible art treasures and a journey back in time to the Middle Ages. The appearance of these towns has hardly changed since then and the landscapes are harmonious and welcoming.
The route follows mainly isolated roads through the valleys of the Apennines, over the rolling hills of Lake Trasimeno and on through small remote Umbrian villages.
This part of Italy is characterised by rushing rivers, fascinating gorges and grazing flocks of sheep, and one of the best ways to experience it is by bike, as you can take in the many wonderful scents and rest up in an inn or similar before the next stage. Of course, we can't guarantee it, but there's a very good chance Italy will welcome you with some lovely sunny weather.
The tour ends in Rome, where you can put your bike down and explore the "Eternal City". Or just sit down and sip a cappuccino or glass of red wine in a café while you watch the vibrant city life. If you want to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, this trip is definitely for you and you can look forward to making lots of wonderful memories.
Highlights on this tour
Hele cykelruten er en smule bakket, men dog med længere flade strækninger indimellem. Ruten består næsten udelukkende af asfalterede stier og fredfyldte biveje med dårlige vejforhold visse steder. Kun på meget korte strækninger, primært på vej ind i og ud af storbyerne, kan der forventes tæ
The entire cycling route is slightly hilly, but with longer flat stretches in between. The route consists almost entirely of paved paths and quiet side roads with poor road conditions in places. Only on very short stretches, mainly on the way into and out of the big cities, can you expect heavy traffic.
"We look forward to making your holiday dreams come true"